
Can feminism move from the sexist 3rd wave, into a 4th wave or dare I say equalism?

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  1. "Parker: The short answer is “no,” but a longer answer requires that we define feminism. For those who missed their women’s studies classes, the first wave got women the vote; second wave got them jobs and divorces; third wave made them p**n stars"

    What an excellent quote, because it is spot on.

  2. Parker: " Nevertheless, a more honest, serious feminism has important work in other parts of the world. Here in the U.S., I’d say we’re in the fine-tuning stage. When we’re debating golf-club memberships, the house that feminism built is fully furnished. We’re doing dust ruffles at this point. I’d like to see feminism focus on helping women who have to worry about being stoned by their sons for daring to speak to an unrelated man. "

    I really do hope we can move on.  There are women in the world who are really suffering, and all some people can argue about is (to quote the article) admittance to a golf club!  There are more important matters in this world than what western feminists are arguing about today.  I like my rights- I want to keep them.  But shouldn't we now be fighting for the women who don't have them?

  3. What we need is for feminism to cooperate with similar movements like antiracism instead of trying to glue them all together. Having a movement designed to fight for EVERYONE's interests... it's not going to work, because that way you can find a justification for *anything*. We need to keep the separate movements going and start more of a dialogue between them.

  4. Funny articles like this put all the onus on women to achieve the great "equality." As if men are the only ones victimized now by the other s*x.

    I'm all for equal rights and I love men, but the goal of feminism isn't to get everyone to have a group hug. I realize men may have some valid grievances but women still face discrimination based on s*x.

    If men want to move into "4th wave" feminism or "equalism" then what are they doing to make sure women are treated fairly?

    And by the way, this writer is an idiot with no sense of history:

    "Men also created the big-idea documents that ultimately resulted in women’s suffrage and equality under the law. Women have demonstrated their gratitude by reaching the summit and basically pulling the ladder up behind them."

    Suffrage was not a gift bestowed upon women by men that we should be endlessly grateful for. Women fought hard for that right, facing ridicule and bodily harm. We don't owe men anything for taking what's rightfully ours. Why doesn't a white southerner go ask a black man to thank him for his freedom?

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