
Can fennel seeds intoxicate you?

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i guy i work with always talks about having great herb that his friends has and how he can get bags for free.

and today he discretely sets a bag underneath the counter i'm working at

and says "use that lightly . ."

and written on the bag in sharpie is "FENNEL SEEDS"

and "mommy" written underneath it

they look don't look like pot seeds, nor does it remotely smell like pot

any insight?




  1. No, fennel seeds are actually good for digestion.  The bag you got must be a code word for somethimg else, flush it down the toilet.

    Dont ever take anything, you never know what it will be.

  2. Why don't you just ask that guy at work?  I've never heard that fennel seeds have any intoxicating qualities.  They smell and taste a bit of black licorice.

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