
Can fenugreek cause weight gain and if so how does it cause it?

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Can fenugreek cause weight gain and if so how does it cause it?




  1. Actually, it should help with weight loss more commonly.

    Fenugreek helps to support glucose and carbohydrate metabolism, so it will most commonly help you to process those foods more efficiently, which helps them to not stick around as fat as easily.

    However, if you are gaining weight specifically from that, it could be an allergic reaction to the Fenugreek... it's rare, but possible. More than likely, it's something else causing the weight gain, though. Good luck!

  2. Fenugreek has a reputation for aiding weight gain in thin people with poor digestion and poor appetite. However, it doesn't "cause" weight gain in ordinary people.

    There are several ways it helps weight gain:

    1. Soothes irritated bowel

    2. Nutritious

    3. Lowers blood sugar, which can increase appetite

    4. Improves digestion

    Sprouts added to green salads are a rich source of vitamins, lecithin and iron.

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