
Can filght simulator help you become a real piolt?

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Can filght simulator help you become a real piolt?




  1. If you mean microsoft flight simulator, then no

  2. It can absolutely help.  I used to practise my manuvers on Flight Simulator after my actual lessons.  It can be very useful when learning instrument flying as it allows you the chance to hit "pause" when learning new concepts... especially if it is used with an instructor.

    Even today several years later, when I fly a long cross country flight VFR (not in the clouds) to someplace I haven't been before, I sometimes fly it in MS Flight Simulator first with my sectional (map) and flight plan.  It really does help with the "process" and I would reccomend it.

    That being said, don't expect to fly 200 hours in MS Flight Simulator and then get in an aircraft for the first time and do great... but it is a fantastic tool used in conjunction with your flight training.

    Have a good flight!

  3. Nope. Nothing like the real thing.

  4. This discussion seems to be confusing two types of simulators.  The military services and the airlines use full-motion simulators that really give a fairly good simulation of real flying situations, and can make a really great contribution to a pilot's skills.  These are machines that cost millions of dollars.

    The computer based "flight simulators" that have recently become widely available are a completely different thing.  These household flight simulators do not give a realistic impression of flight, and, if you have never flown a real airplane, you will find your "simulator" experience will have given you a false impression of what flying is like.

    Computers do not fly.  Airplanes fly.  You'll sense the difference in a few seconds.  Computer based simulators can be useful in advanced learning situations, and can save you money and trouble in things like learning various kinds of instrument approaches.

    But this use of simulators should apply only to people who have some flight hours and already know what the airplane feels like.

    If you want to find out about that, go to the airport and get an introductory flight.  You will see what we mean at once.  Otherwise, as John B. said, you might as well play Pac-Man.

    Go fly!

  5. Stimulator isn't anything like the real thing. It can help you but it won' t make you a good pilot.

  6. No moreso than pac man.

  7. yes, i agree with everyone else..u need practical experience...and i don't mean having the biggest screen monitor or the fastest computer with the latest video card!!! :)

  8. Absolutely.  NASA uses flight simulators, Boeing uses flight simulators - in fact, I'm pretty sure all major airlines use them.  If you're referring to things like Microsoft Flight simulator - then sure it'll help you get comfortable with the instrumentation and such, but it'll never be the real thing.

  9. Flight simulators are used to train millitary and commercial pilots

  10. yes military uses them for flight training you must first learn on them before you can fly millions dollars aircraft so the answer is most definitely yes

  11. The only way to become a real pilot is to fly a real plane. If you're still too young to take lessons, then microsoft flight simulator will introduce you to basic concepts.  In the quest for your private license, a simulator won't help you, it's all hands on. Once you start studying for a commercial certificate, limited hours can be logged for simulator time, and at that level it can help you become a better pilot by introducing you to situations too dangerous to attempt in real life.

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