
Can fire belly toads live with red eyed tree frogs?

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  1. we have fire bellied toads in the same tank as tree frogs we research them first and it did say you could keep them together, if you have a large tank you can keep fire bellied toads with tree frogs, green anoles, Jamaican anoles, spiny reed frogs and gold dust day geckos, you just have to remember to keep the frogs and the toads the same size as with both species the food rule is if it will fit in their mouth they will eat it, so if you are mixing them get them the same size, do a 50/50 land and water tank they frogs will mainly stay at the top of the tank and the toads at the bottom, so there is always some activity going on in the tank and is fun to watch,

  2. I do not think so......

  3. nope. sorry

  4. No, you should never mix 2 of the same species. They both have different needs.

  5. Nope. Don't do it, the retf will most likely die due to the toxins in the firebellies skin. Also they both require different set-ups.

  6. If the green belly'd blue eyed tree frogs mind

  7. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...

  8. you need a bigger terrarium but we have fire bellied toads and tree frogs in the same set up, we researched fire bellies and found out you can keep them with frogs, it is really cool as there is always some activity going on as the frogs go to the top of the tank and the toads mainly stay at the bottom just remember to put in some branches with cover and do a 50/50 land water tank. the fire bellied toads like to dig and bury themselves but they are fun to watch.

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