
Can fix this one or just buy new Ipod?

by Guest67190  |  earlier

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I have a Dell computer and Winows Vista. When I plug my Ipod in, Windows shows that a "disk drive" has been connected through the "remove hardware safely" program but nothing pops up in Itunes. I went into "Run diagnostics" in Itunes and it said that it couldn't find an Ipod connected. Then when I go to disconnect through windows, the "Do not disconnect" logo stays on my Ipod even though windows says it is safe to remove. My Ipod is a classic with the touch turn wheel, not the click wheel (2nd gen I think) and it is formatted to windows. It has been working on and off but then this same problem will happen again. If Itunes won't recognize it, then how can I even restore it? I have reset it and tried connecting via disk drive status. I also uninstalled and reinstalled Itunes. Nothing is working. Any suggestions? All the help I am finding online suggests to restore but I can't do that if it won't come up!

I asked this question two days ago and a couple of suggestions were given and did not work. Any ideas on how to fix? I am considering just getting a new one at this point seeing as this is one of the earlier ones.




  1. try restarting your ipod. first open itunes and plug in your ipod. then press and hold the menu and center button until the apple logo appears. now it should pop up in itunes. for the do not disconnect, if it still says that after you disconnect the ipod then press and hold the center and menu button until the apple logo appears. if you have any more problems then try this

  2. Here's what you can do:

    1.Find a friend with a Mac and restore it using that mac.


    2.Re-install iTunes.

    Thats how i fixed my old 1st gen iPod (that later got destroyed)

  3. yeah i think its time to get a new one....

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