
Can fleas survive in empty house?

by Guest44737  |  earlier

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set off flea bombs at rental, no one lives there, can they survive there if theres no blood for them for them to thrive on.




  1. No they must have an animal not a human to leach off of.

    As long as you have no mice, you should be fine.

  2. yes, fleas can also live on ameobas, so therefore they can survive. in addition to the bombs, put a lamp on the floor with a pail of water under it. the fleas will feel the heat from the light bulb, and jump towards the heat , they will then fall into the water. this will take care of those hard to kill and very thirsty fleas.

  3. i dunno but i think they could at least for a little while and by all means the area out side and inside the home should be throughly clean and free of garbage  and animals and humnas, styffed animals etc! Wipe everything down with bleach and  some water and more flea bombs at evenly spaced times.

  4. Yes, they can.

    They can go dormant, both as imagoes, for several months, and as pupa, for over a year.

    They are sensitive to heat, vibration, and CO2, all of which can indicate the presence of a meal.

  5. Yes they can, and more importantly, the eggs can survive for a long time without anything at all, and they hatch when the temperature is right, or if they receive pressure or sense vibration from footsteps. So when the heat goes on, or someone walks on the floor, they hatch and you have instant fleas. I don't know if flea bombs kill the eggs or not, but I doubt it very much. If you really want to get rid of the fleas(and who wouldn't?), perhaps vacuum very thoroughly a few times with a strong vacuum, a carpet beater attachment for carpet, a crevice tool for edges and corners, as well as a bomb or two. Search 'flea life cycle' on the net and you'll see how they operate which will help you get rid of them.

  6. Yes  

  7. My neighbors had to move out of their house for 3 months,they finally called a professional to come and spray as they kept coming back and the fleas were in the furniture also.

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