
Can flies fly in the dark?

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Some one told me that flies cannot fly in the dark is this true?




  1. CAN?  Of course!  They still have wings and they is still air just as when there is light.

    However, DOES a fly fly in the dark?  

    Usually, when one refers to the "dark" they are referring to night time and I'll make the assumption that is what you mean.

    First of all, flies need to be warm for their muscles to work.  At night, when the temperature drops, they lose the ability to fly or move quickly due to them being cold blooded and their body temperature dropping.  So, that would cause them to lose their ability to fly.

    In addition, their eyes are light dependent in a different way than are ours and, in the dark, they cannot see.

    So, at night, flies find a wall to "stick" to and they stay there until the light.

  2. Well, they can't see. I'm sure they must fly though. I mean I hear them flying in my room sometimes, and you can hear them inside the little glass cover over the lamp, you know the thing I mean? You can hear the wings buzzing against the glass.

  3. Most flies do not have eyes and therefore do not have to see their way through the dark. Instead, they have antennas and this helps them to sense their way through the dark.

  4. No, flies do not move in the dark.

  5. yes, they have sonar

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