
Can flies <span title="bite.........................?">bite........................</span>

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Can flies bite........................




  1. yes,

    horse flies

  2. heard of tse tse flies...their bites are deadly..its fatal causing the sleeping sickness to death...

  3. yup all flies can bite ....  

  4. House flies = no.  They have a proboscis designed to sop up nutrients.  Barn flies = yes.  They have a proboscis designed to puncture and suck.  Barn flies look identical to house flies unless you know how to tell the difference. So, many people think house flies bite.

  5. Yes, both horseflies and deerflies can bite.

  6. Regular house flies...not so you&#039;d notice.

    But other types of flies can bite...when my neighbor moved in with horses he brought at least three different types of biting flies with him...

  7. Not enough to hurt you.  They barely have mouths in the first place.  I think I heard somewhere that they throw up when they land though.  Flies are just annoying.  I&#039;m talking about houseflies by the way.

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