Typically people are either born with strong teeth or strong gums. Personally, I have strong teeth but my gums are more prone to gingivitis and gum disease. I’m 24 and I've been to the dentist but honestly its been awhile since my last check-up where I had to have scaling (deep cleaning under the gums) done. It was not fun and it hurt...bad. Since then I've never really stayed on top of the flossing. I brush with Crest Cavity Protection toothpaste, floss, and rinse with Listerine maybe once a week. Just within the last couple of days, I have started rinsing twice a day and flossing once a day along with regular brushing. The fresh feeling is amazing and I can immediately tell that this is what I needed to be doing all along and I know most of you will say to go see a dentist (which I plan on) but my question to you is...
1) If I brush/rinse with Listerine twice a day and floss once a day could it possibly reverse gingivitis?
2) Will my gums eventually become healthy and pink again instead of red and inflamed?
3) How long before I start seeing any positive results? (i.e. how long before gums should stop bleeding?)
Thanks for your help and again, I already know I need to go to the dentist. :)