
Can food products be brought into the states (from Germany) on a flight? I need my Schoko Musli!?

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My boyfriend is flying in from Germany this month and there are certain German products I am hooked on. He is a German citizen and I need to know if the US will alllow him to bring in a few boxes of cereal and a few boxes of chocolate. I know they limit the dollar amount of products you bring over, but I basically just need to know if he will be allowed to bring in these kind of food products...HELP! if not...does anyone know where I can find Kolln Schoko Musli in California?




  1. You might consider looking on an official government website about travelling to the u.s. (us customs?), or the airline's website, and if you don't find anything there, make a phone call to the airline. They should be able to tell you if what you want is allowed to be transported from outside the country.

  2. No, it's illegal to bring food intob the USA. But I think I can help you out of your misery. :-)

    There is a website, that sells German stuff:

    Also if you ever make it up to Seattle, tthere are a total of 6 German stores, all selling your Koelln Schoko Muesli as well as pretty much everything you can buy in Germany.

    I hope this is a little help :-) And enjoy the time with your boyfriend.

  3. Yes you can.Just go to Customs when you enter the U.S.Sorry but we don"t know Kolln Schoko.Respectfully Submitted, Terry R. Bovey (

  4. Having just moved from Germany, my best guess would be no. The reason is that Muesli has nuts usually and or dried fruit. There are new guidelines on what can be brought in due to the U.S.'s new restrictions. We could not send anything with nuts or dried fruit in our household goods. The best thing to do is to check out mail order web-sites on the net. There are at least 6 that will pop up when you search on Yahoo. Your friend should be able to bring in any chocolate and use to be 2 bottles of wine but has to be in check in baggage. We were not allowed to bring any food or drinks of any kind and had to throw away our granola bars. It may be easier to see if your friend can mail the goods to you instead but he should make sure they will pass customs as it can result in some pretty hefty finds. Check to see if there is an Aldi Grocery Store in your area. These are actually German owned and sometimes carry overseas products. Aldi in Germany sales another brand of Schoko Musli so you may find this at Aldi's locally on occasion.

  5. Chocolate will be fine for sure, because when I flew in, I brought one checked in suitcase filled with of German chocolate and candies and some in my carry on. Make sure they're still in the original packaging. I declared them at the custom and they let me go.

    I used to visit my husband once a month when he's on training in Chicago and I was still living in Germany.

  6. He can bring it over in his checked luggage as long as the boxes are still sealed. They'll ask him at customs if he's bringing in any food, but he'll be ok. What they're looking for is stuff like fresh bread, fruits and meats. If he's says he's bringing in cereal as a gift for his girlfriend, he'll be fine.

    The chocolate isn't a problem at all. When I fly to the US from Europe, I bring cookies and chocolate over all the time.

  7. You know, the best way to get some German foods would be thru the internet. Customs are pretty tight now. I have included some sites, a friend of mine sent me, Since I'm orig. from Germany and miss the food, I can order online. Hope this will help:


  8. There is a German Store called "Alpine City" in the north of LA. I was there and they had a lot of German Products including "Gewürzgurken" "Salami" and German Bread. I'm sure, they can import your favourite "Schoko Müsli" in future. The restrictions about what to bring along are getting more tight every day.

    (I'm German)

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