
Can forgetting be beneficial to our minds ?

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If we remebered everthing wouldn't this cause a nervous break-down or another kind of illness. They are often induced when someone cannot stop getting stressed over a cerTain memory. So if we allow ourselves to embrace peace and forget then our minds can be free of stress. I have found meditation particularly helping in forgetting bad memories and embracing peace.




  1. yes it can be beneficial, it is the brains way of protecting us from remembering unpleasant events

  2. We cannot choose what to remember and what to forget.

    Even then with time the intensity of the feelings is lessened.  We can choose not to get stressed by bad memories...a kind of detachment/distancing should be learnt/practiced...telling ourself that it was all in the past which is gone and done away with...and concentrating in making our present better.  

    Yes,  Meditation helps!  It is a kind of therapy which is free!

  3. Bad memories help me make sure I don't get harmed as much and/or cause those bad memories to happen again.

    Every now and then you have to say "Ya I screwed up, go ahead, laugh!", "s***w you", or "You're just a useless person who has no meaning in my life, so why should I care about you think or say about me?"

  4. When something bad happens to us our mind does forget it but then it brings back memories of it at a later date in pieces so that the brain then processes these bits and pieces.  That is called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and it isn't a very nice thing to have to experience.  

    People with DID or Multiple Personality Disorder may have forgotten what happened to them and so they space out and forget about the events of their past

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