
Can fred thompson kick hillary's *** in the coming elections?

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why does the media not expose hillary's campaign finances for the illlegal works they are?




  1. You forget who her husband is.

  2. I'm looking forward to hearing Fred debate the other candidates.

    As far as Shrillary's $'s, yeah, she's hoping it all gets buried and no one will notice.

    Guess what Hil, the Internet never forgets!!

  3. I sure hope so, but the media has brainwashed society against the Republicans, therefore, in this election I would say no.

  4. No.

  5. Unless its MCcain or Guilini Hillary will get my vote.

  6. news flash to cons: no one cares about the Hillary financial stuff. Fred will be dead before next November, terminal cancer.

  7. So the media should only "expose" what you think is illegal. Suppose the same thing happened to one of the Republican candidates than you would scream liberal media bias. If there is something worth exposing where is Fox News or the Washington Post to expose it? These are hardly liberal media. It is not exposed because it isn't there.

    What makes you think Freddy is going to be in the final race? He is lazy and probably won't put on much of a campaign. He was a so-so Senator, a lobbyist (now there is a popular position to have) an actor and God knows what else. They guy can't make up his mind what he wants to be. His bimbo wife will be an issue and the way he treated his ex wife will surely come out too.

  8. No problem.

  9. Not a chance!!!

  10. You bet he can!!  Fred Thompson is an honest man and does not socialize with criminals.  Look at his record and see how he backs his word.  He has a strong foreign policy, strong toward the family, against abortion, strong in homeland security... and more.


  12. I certainly hope so.

  13. Let's just hope Fred Can do it! He would have us in good shape and responsibly remove the troops from Iraq. Hillary lies about that too! The troops would not immediately be withdrawn. Are you kidding the media would not expose Hillary, they are all Liberals, (Except Fox) and the Liberals wouldn't listen or abandon Queen Hillary, with her health care plan that was voted down in 1994 that she says will cost 100 billion $$$$$$$ a year! Where will this money come from? And with all the wrong that she done, and it's been proved beyond a shadow of a doubt. The Libs will STILL vote for her. Go figure!

  14. I'll give him my vote

  15. No, he can't.

    Why are you so worried about Hilary? Afraid she might win?

  16. Fed Thomson will have enough trouble kicking his way into the race.  The media does not disclose what the media cannot prove and that goes for the campaign financing on both sides.

  17. too early in the election cycle for the real attacks to happen.

    The reality is the nation is about evenly split - the fight will be in the middle. If Hillary can develop a campaign similar to Bill, she'll have success, Bill was good at appealing to the center. But I really doubt she will, the politics of the Democratic party necessitate appealing to the extremes. Contrast that with the Republican party right now, there are few viable candidates that can be described as "fringe" No Pat Robertsons or Alan Keyes that are viable. Remember too, that a third party candidate can swing it either way - just ask Bush Sr about Perot or Al Gore about Ralph Nader.

    Above me: "The media does not disclose what the media cannot prove and that goes for the campaign financing on both sides." That's the funniest thing I've ever read. Obviously that person hasn't been paying attention to the media much. Two words "Florida 2000"

  18. Seriously, do we want another actor being our president? (I dont think Reagan was that great. Do we want another Republican for president. All the politicians do corrupt things, why do your ight wingers always have to bash, and NO the media is not "liberal"!!! Ahhhhhh.....

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