
Can frogs eat other frogs?

by Guest64537  |  earlier

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i have 4 tree frogs [which are probably 4-5 weeks old or younger] 2 of which are the same size and are green, and the other two are a bit smaller and they're a gray color. I also have two toads, one smaller than all the rest of the frogs and one sort of the same size as the green tree frogs [hopefully this isnt too confusing haha.] so my question is, do you think they'll end up eating each other? i dont know if i should separate them or not [i only have one tank and it's not that big] [and with the toads, they're my little brother's so we put all the frogs together in one tank] haha. anyways, help me out with this please. thanks :]




  1. its unlikely, but i don't think its unheard of. i would separate them by species, mostly because they can easily spread parasites from one species to another. a benign organism in a frog may be deadly to a toad, and vice versa.

  2. Frogs do eat other frogs, but usually if one is smaller than the other.  I have pacific tree frogs and I have to keep them separated until they're all about the same size.  I have a 3 inch, 2 1/2  inch and one thats several centimeters.  The 3 and 2 1/2 inch can't even go together because when frogs want to eat something, they'll eat it, even if it takes a great struggle and you wouldn't think the prey item would fit, because trust me they'll make it fit.  I accidentally fed my medium frog my large frog's was way too big for her but she went for it.  Her mouth was open for 20 minutes with the cricket sticking out, she wouldn't let it go.  I'd wait until your frogs are pretty close in size.  And you shouldn't keep toads and frogs together.  Many toads secrete a liquid thats used as an irritant and if it gets on the aquarium and your frogs touch it then your frogs would be quite uncomfortable.  Some even have toxic properties.

  3. ive never heard of a frog eating another frog

    i think youre in the clear

  4. Whitehummingbird is right, tree frogs will eat each other given half a chance, you must have seen how fast yours move when they see something moving? And then they just jam it in with their little feet...If i don't separate before feeding mine somtimes will go for the same cricket at the same time and if one grabs another, it's just so convinced it can swallow it, using it's feet to try to stuff the other one in really would be quite charming if it wasn't so distressing...

    I'm not sure of the specifics about keeping toads and frogs together because we can't keep toads in Australia, but i know tree frogs are sensitive to chemicals so if your toads sorta...well, leak...anything, that might upset the frogs for a reason unrelated to carnivorous behaviour!

  5. Uhmm i guess if one gets ofended** by the other.

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