
Can full bred clydesdales be taught to jump?

by Guest33790  |  earlier

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i love clydesdale crosses but i want to know if a full bred clydesdale can be taught to jump (as a discipline? not just if they can jump) i mean cross country, novice show jumping, and all that?? (like 80cm?)


ps. im just curious... i dont want to be the person actually trying it out! lol! :D




  1. I rode a clydesdale/walker x and that worked out okay.  I took him on a small xc course.  He splintered the bank jump with his big hoof when I rode him, though.  And someone pointed out to me another jump that he had busted.  I mean, there's no reason why you can't pop your clydesdale over a few fences or fallen logs for fun but I can't really see a full-blooded clydesdale jumping in competition with his 2000 pound body :-(

  2. Yes. Most of them wouldn't be great at it, but some of them would do pretty good. I have a friend who's family breeds clydesdales, she likes show jumping and I know she uses at least one of them for jumping sometimes. I don't know if she competes on him, but he can jump.

  3. yes.

  4. drafts can be taught to jump but it's not a good idea to do any high jumping or demanding course with a draft because they're too heavy to take the impact from landing. drafts that are pushed too high often have soundness issues due to their extreme weight on delicate legs. a draft cross is a better idea if you want a jumper with some size and bone without putting the horse at risk

  5. Any horse can do anything, but only to the best of their ability.  I'm sure clydesdales can jump, I just don't know if they can do it very well.  Like some people said, they can be a little klutzy, but I am sure there are some out there who can jump very well.

  6. I have seen a cyldesdale being used as a saddle horse, and it isn't a pretty sight.  Finding a saddle is hard and doesn't fit very well.  I have never seen one jump but I have seen one try and canter and they look so off  balance when they turn  a cornor. If a clydesdale refused a jump I would hate to see where the rider ended up when that much muscle power came to a sudden halt.

  7. Ok...imagine the biggest, bulkiest linebacker on the football team running hurdles.

    Can he do it?  Yeah.

    Is it gonna be pretty?  Nope.

  8. yes. its very possible. if it can lunge lunge it over poles sitting on the ground. for about 30 minutes then stop for the day reward him if he didnt mess up. if he messes up try it 10  more minutes, then reward him. next day. try 10 minutes with the ground poles then 20 minutes with ground poles then a small jump. then if he does good reward him

    then the next day try this

    X | | |

    three ground poles then a cross jump.

    but try spreading out the ground poles and put him into a trot.

    then try that 20 minutes reward him.

    then the next day.

    try this set up X  |    |    |    X  |   |   |

    make the poles 6 feet apart or if improves 4.

    then get on him english saddle. and start from the beginning.

    this works with my students.

  9. no, sorry, they are not meant for jumping, they are meant for working. They cant jump becuase of there hieght and their wieght. Hope this helps!

  10. To answer the question, yes, they can be taught to jump. Now, if they should jump, that's a different question ;P

  11. yep i saw one actually doing dressage too that was awesome

  12. They're big.  They not bred as jumpers, they're bred as draft horses and they're beautiful and powerful.

  13. yes, all horses can jump although clydesdales would be that good at it because they werent bred for jumping.

    hope this helps :)

  14. John is right - they're big klutzes.  I had one, from a yearling to a 4 year old.  I trained him to ride and he was a klutz.  I may have jumped him a little bit, but I don't think he could ever have done it competitively.  Also, their hooves might not stand up to it.  My farrier said they usually have pretty weak feet (as mine did and required custom made shoes).

  15. in answer to your question ,yes they can jump the only problem is most Clyde's are klutzes because of their big hooves and most Clyde's are cow hocked (good conformation in Clyde's)they have short necks and long backs so their conformation really doesnt go well for jumping but yes i have seen them do jumping but they excell at dressage.

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