
Can full-time students claim housing benefit?

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I know that I'll be exempt from paying council tax but I was just wondering if there's any help available paying rent?

I'm starting Uni in September and I'll be supporting myself and my son from my bursary and a couple of other grants I'm entitled to

I think it'll only be about £700 a month in total but out of that my rent is £360 which is obviously quite a large chunk of what I'll earn

that doesn't leave much to pay nursery fees and other bills

I have asked the council but they've told to apply anyway and they'll see

This doesn't really help me seeing as I'm starting the course in 6 weeks and the last thing I want to do is leave my current job to go Uni then realise I can't actually afford to do it




  1. Most full time students cannot receive Housing Benefit, but there are some exceptions.

    What are the exceptions?

    The following students can claim Housing Benefit

    Part time students

    Lone parents

    Those solely responsible for a child

    Students receiving Income Support or Income Based Job Seekers Allowance

    Students with a disability, including those with deafness

    Students with dependent children whose partner is also a full time student

    Those under 19 following a course of further education (such as ‘A’ levels or NVQs but not degree courses)

    Students under 20 for whom Child Benefit is payable

    Those over 60

    Those who are absent due to caring responsibilities or illness with the prior approval of the college attended.  

  2. Yes I think you can if you are a single parent.  You probably wont be in university all day every day, can you not get a little part time job?  I get something like £420/month loan/bursary and £320 of that pays my rent.  I have to keep 2 jobs just to stay afloat, I know you need to spend time with your child too but nobody said it would be easy.

  3. my friend was a single mum at uni and she got tonnes of grants because of it. And I'm pretty sure she still received housing benefit plus she got parents learning allowance and got like the majority of her childcare costs free and applied for the student contigency grant every term and got it every term so help is available.  try visiting your student support/finance centre in your university and seeing if they can help.  Also go to your job centre and see what they can do to help.  Finally visit your local library and ask about any charity grants as many local area charities just dish out money to people going to uni!  Also you can get more depending on what you are going into.

    Finally, many universities have onsite job agencies so you can arrange flexible work around your studies.

    Hope that helps!

  4. I hope so seeing as I have been getting it for the last 2 years!!

  5. Sorry but the answer is no and has been since some time in the 1980s.

  6. job centre plus, citizens advice etc

  7. Yes

    Parents and disabled people can claim housing benefit. You should also look at income support.

    You should get help towards nursery fees in your grant. If you don't then apply to your university's "access to learning" fund. In fact apply to it anyway.

    If you are not entitled to income support during term time apply for it again over the summer break.

    Enjoy uni

  8. As a single parent, yes you can.  When you apply for your loans and grants, make sure you tick for the Special Grant instead of the Maintainance Grant - if you've already applied, talk to them fast!  This special grant is for those who would be entitled to benefits like Income Support if they were not a student - and as a single parent you should qualify.  

    This special grant means that your grants and bursuries are not included in any benefit decision made by the council or benefits agency.  You should get about half your rent paid.  Without the special grant, you will not get anything.

    You will also be entitled to child tax credit and money towards childcare.  

    There is a booklet which you can get from the Student Loans Company which explains it all so try and get one.  Good luck.

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