
Can garlic kill cats?

by  |  earlier

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I was told that garlic would help with a flea problem, but I was told by another that garlic kills cats. Which is true? :/




  1. yes it good for fleas and no it won't kill the cat

  2. While I don't recommend feeding garlic to cats my guys have snuck into some garlicy pasta dishes without keeling over so I'd have to say no, I don't think that's true. I also haven't heard about garlic solving a flea problem....If you're concerned I'd call your vet.

  3. to answer your question on a personal note garlic and onions is toxic to cats,and no it wont kill the fleas.i gave mine the garlic tablets to no avail and then when my youngest cat had a bad attack of the fleas and had to go the vets,i was told by the vet that the tablets don't work,so i now put stronghold on them which is a flea protector from the vets and last a month.and cheap at £4

  4. Cats or Dogs should never be given raw, un-aged garlic because it is very irritating to the mouth, esophagus, and stomach and can cause or exacerbate ulcers

  5. If your cat has fleas get Frontline.

  6. Garlic is toxic in cats. It is better to get a vet approved flea control product such as Advantage to kill fleas.

    Garlic contains sulfoxides and disulfides, which can damage red blood cells and cause anemia. Cats are more susceptible than dogs. Garlic is less toxic than onions.

    I don't like using chemicals either, but I despise fleas more. Here is a natural, herbal product that might help you.

  7. Garlic does something bad to their kidneys that won't reverse, you can damage the kidneys to the point where yes, the cat is killed by it.  Garlic has been considered toxic to cats for years. It's all over the internet on the cat health sites. Don't listen to 'others' without checking with a vet or a trusted online source, if it involves something dangerous to animals.  A trusted source would be a veterinary site, a university site or a health site.  Not someone's home page about their cats.

  8. Garlic does NOT treat fleas, and like onions it can make both dogs and cats anaemic.

    The anaemia can be induced by one big dose of garlic, or by frequent small doses (eg regular 'flea preventative' tablets)

    It's due to a compound called propyl disulphide and is present in various amounts in all Alium species.  

  9. A tiny bit of garlic has been often suggested as a flea treatment, but the problem is knowing the dose, and how long it is given.  Garlic is toxic to cats, but as in all things toxic, it is all about the dose.

    Brewer's yeast tablets (not bakers yeast) is a natural way to help with fleas.  Fleas do not like the taste of blood of animals that have taken brewer's yeast.  Brewer's yeast is sold in health food stores.  Brewer's yeast will help with the cat, but not with the surroundings.  I used brewer's yeast in conjunction with a flea bomb after the cat was essentially flea free.

    But, there are sticky traps that are placed below a low wattage bulb that will attract fleas;  they leap for the warmth of the bulb, and get stuck on the trap.  I have posted a link of that type of trap.  Link for illustration purposes only.
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