
Can gender neutrality ever overcome differences between the two genders?

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Man and woman are different and yet not so different!

The differences between them should complement each other but today they seem to act as the basis for bias against the opposite s*x.WHY????

Example if only women can keep a child in their womb why is it so wrong to think about abortion?

Example if there are men victim of the same crimes that globally women are recognized as victims of why is it so hard to offer them the same legal protection?

Is our focus more on removing suffering and protecting one particular gender rather than just victims ?




  1. Hi, misoa,

    There never has been, nor will there ever be gender neutrality, as you call it.We may try and dress the same, but the genetic differences are there, the hormonal differences are there. I think it's time for women to wear dresses and make themselves presentable and men to look presentable. The lack of manners in today's society is appalling. Just because we women want to better ourselves doesn't mean men should no longer open a car door or open a door to a restaurant. Some chivalry would go a long way, as would a better dress code here in North America where Everyone dresses like a slob. Not to mention that Americans are the most obese society in the world.

    You probably think I'm way off the mark, but I can definitely state that there is a strong correlate between how we take care of OURSELVES and how we treat our fellow beings.

    A few old-fashioned values and principles would go a long way to fixing our gender issues.

  2. I personally don't believe in gender differences (other than phsycial) because I see far too many exceptions. And knowing that we are all individuals with different personality traits you can't pigeon hole someone based on something like gender, age or race.

    Many people still feel the need to argue and try and make out that one group of people ie the opposite gender is inferior to raise their own egos.

    Also people tend to assume you are being sexist, like a think it's the mother's choice with abortion but that's only because it's in that persons body. If they were a L*****n couple I still think it should be the person carrying it's decision.

  3. Since you put it so clearly. NO

  4. I think it is because we are still in a time where it is umcommon think for example to see a man raped that we play favorites for the gender in different situations.

    It can be overcame but it will take a little more time.

  5. PEOPLE vary.

    There is no characteristic, except the reproductive systems themselves, that all members of one s*x share, that is absent in all members of the other s*x.

    Thus, saying that men and women ar diffrent is inaccurate.

    Most in the US (which is where I am), support keeping abortion legal.

    Probably most also believe that a victim of crime is a victim of crime, regardless of their s*x, and that all should have equal protection under the law.

    I don't get how the first part of your question relates to the second, exactly. If you're saying that male victims of domestic violence deserve equal protection, then I agree wholeheartedly.

  6. Gender differences have always been the basis for bias against the other gender.

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