
Can general running help me hold my breath longer?

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Free diving and spearfishing is a hobby of mine, and I would like to hold me breath longer. I can hold it for around 45 seconds to a minute 10 while diving. Sitting still I can hold it for 2 minutes or so. Will running help increase my lung capacity? That way I can hold my breath for longer time underwater?




  1. Your lung capacity is determined by genetics.  You have air sacks called alveoli and you have a certain number of those alveoli and that is it.  Around each alveolus are blood carrying capillaries. When air is inhaled, the air that gets into alveoli is higher in the concentration of oxygen and lower in carbon dioxide concentration than is the blood in the capillaries.  So, oxygen diffuses from the air into your blood and carbon dioxide diffuses from your blood into the air.

    The change that happens when you get into better shape is that you grow more capillaries around the alveoli ... you do not grow more alveoli.

    Getting into better shape will get more oxygen into your blood and carbon dioxide out.  This WILL allow you to hold your breath longer.  

    However, NEVER hold your breath without a partner keeping track of you as you can pass out holding your breath and drown.

    You need to get into better shape/condition.

  2. Por supuesto.

    Intenta hacer inspiraciones mas profundas cuando corras.

    y cuando nades haz lo siguiente:

    en 300 m de crawl da 3 brazadas-respiración-5 brazadas respiración, 3 brazadas-respiración-5 brazadas respiración, 3,5,3,5,3,5.

    Despues en 200 m de crawl da 3 brazadas-respiración-7 brazadas respiración, 3,7,3,7,3,7

    despues 100 m ( 4 x 25 m) de estilo de pecho sin respirar por debajo del agua.

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