
Can getting off of the birth control pill make your periods fluxiate for a while?

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Until about 4-5 months ago, I had been on the birth control pill for about 2 years. My insurance ran out, & i can't get it anymore. since then, my period hasn't been coming the same time it was when I was on the pill. Simply, can my period fluctuate from month to month? I've taken two pregnancy tests recently, because I am expecting my period soon. It's not here yet. Any answers are greatly appreciated.




  1. Oh, yeah, it's very typical to get irregular periods after getting off the pill. Your body's used to having its hormones controlled by those little tablets (as the hormones control whether or not you ovulate), and after getting off of them, it needs to find its own pattern.

    It should even out, but if it doesn't, you might want to check with your doctor.

  2. yes your period can fluctuate after getting off the should go to planned parenthood...they'll giv you free birth control if you hav no insurance

  3. yes it can can be irregular.  smart move taking the pregnancy tests.  also if you feel more sick than normal or your period is heavier than normal, go see a doctor. there are many low income providers out there.  type in planned parenthood to google and find out if there is one in your are.

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