I had my teeth cleaned on thursday for my 6 mo. visit and everything turned out to be fine. When I woke up the next morning my gums were swollen in my mout, particuraly in the back of my mout (I do not have any wisdom teeth they never formed). During the day the swelling in the front of my mouth went down but the back of my mout got worse, and I noticed that there appeared to be a flab of skin hanging over my tooth, and it was very red and inflamed. Eventually I could barley eat anything and my jaw and ear started to hurt, and I felt a great pressure right below my jaw. My mom got me this syringe that helps clean out debris in your gums and I used it and felt a BIT of relief in my mouth, however my ear still hurts, and I still have pressure under my jaw. Could the dental hygenist tore my gum and I got food stuck in there and it led to an infection? If that is possible can an infection in my mouth lead to an infection in my ear, and if so should I go to my dentist or my family doctor to fix this problem, or will it clear up on its own (BTW I AM STILL IN LOTS OF PAIN)? Will they have to stich the flab of skin down or cut it of, or will it go away on its own?