
Can ghost leave their homwtown and follow/visit where their other family is?

by  |  earlier

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my sister thinks she saw my great grandmother in my grandmothers garden- it has a lot of my great grandmother's stuff including flower pots, an iron bench, and other things.




  1. there are several different types of hauntings. the one you're describing is considered a residual type haunting... meaning it's like  a little movie that just plays over and over and does not mean that it's a spirit or a ghost but that at some point the energy of that couple was imprinted there. these types of hauntings do not interact with the people around them.

  2. dont consider them ghosts and spirits. They can communicate and they can walk around, they arent stuck anywhere.

  3. I would think so.  If I were a ghost I wouldn't hang around any old house or my family much - I'd be at the beach!

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