
Can ghosts' and spirits ,meet other ghosts and spirits ......?

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a lot more easily than how we meet others down here on earth?

Like , since my dad has died...(1989)and he passed away back east....can he meet other people who have passed away, just like that, you know,from being in another area, either here in the states, and or another country?(you know, presto chango' )? I have always wondered how easy it might just be for the ghosts/spirits to be able to meet others...that have just passed away,and or will leave earth?

Would anybody know just how easy(if it is easy) it would be for these well as the Ghosts(those who haven't yet made it into the light yet..) be able to meet all of the others?

For you think my father, could meet up with everybody coming thru? or not? or many of them? or is it a lot like earth...that we don't meet "everybody" where we reside or are,?





  1. since there is no such thing as ghosts my guess would

    read any of the online articles at

    the arguments and evidence against psychic and paranormal phenomenon is pretty much incontrovertable, that is unless you refuse to look at it that is.

  2. It's harder and unlikely for "Spirits"/"Ghost" to meet other "Spirits"/"Ghost",.. or even to be AWARE of others.

    It's because things are so varied.

    There are supposed to be some that are aware of many other, they are a big help some times but not that common.

    I don't understand why your like " down here on earth?".  There are different levels of exsistence and different realms.  There are supposed to be other planes and realms.  Saying Heaven is up and you live on Clouds is a Fairy Tale you tell children because things are so beyond the average human understanding and children are supposed to have more problems.  What pattern I notice is completely made up stuff to talk down to children or shut up the Lyman become accepted by the mainstream with time.

    So please,.. get "Ghost" are supposed to be "Earth Bound",.. meaning they are pretty much here, not the other places.  They however can become fatieged and weak.  There are many kinds of them also, so conversations are completely impossible for some, but maybe if they can learn to type on a Computer Keyboard you could start something.  I had something for a short time that would mess with my Computer Keyboard,.. I know nothing about it.

    Added:  Ghost tend to stay stationary or attach to a thing.  Though throughout history there are ones that have traveled, and it was just that interesting and captivateing to people-- They notice it.  For ones that travel alot though, they are not really there but Echos of an event.  Such as the train ride of Abe Lincon's body,.. it's still playing today.  Many people are aware of that.

    As for whatever is after this when someone is NOT a "Ghost" but has passed on.  It's unknown.  Just assume your faith has the answers, but it probably doesn't (since the Stories for Children being passed down and accepted thing is so popular).  Some Faiths say you are recycles, some say you are reincarnated, some say there is a world you can go to once you accomplish some things... otherwise you reincarnate, the thing that's getting popular due to so many material possessions in our life is the Heaven + h**l + Earth type of set ups--  but the "h**l" has always been a place where some other beings live... the religions just tossed in you'd be thrown there because it's such a poor enviornment in a foriegn place with some beings that have been tortureing other beings for so long.  Sorry for babbleing, there is alot of Religion and Faith in the World,.. I don't know where to end with posibilities.

  3. We won't know the answer to that question until we die. It's not as if anyone that has been dead, long enough to know if that's how it works, has come back and said anything.

    Now there are some stories of spirits of lovers that wander looking forever for each other, but those are ghost tales so who knows how true they are.

    Anything that happens after death we know nothing about. We can believe there is a heaven and a h**l, or that we get reborn again, or that our spirits stay behind, or even that we just die and there is NO type of 'second chance' or afterlife. It all depends on what you want to believe in, because no one can REALLY say one way or the other how things are.

  4. Yes, I'm sure they go out for pizza quite often.

  5. why ask us we r not ghost nor spirits..........geeeeez what stupid questions ppl ask.

  6. There are basically 2 options for people who have passed away. If they have accepted Jesus as thier Lord and Savior, then they will have an easy time meeting and finding each other. If they have not, then it is nearly impossible, as in h**l, demons heavily guard and discourage familiar meetings. If only one or the other is saved, they may know about thier conditions, but again it would be difficult for them to communicate.

  7. Heelooow =)

  8. James was born in Bayside, New York, and is the youngest of four children. An average child, he remembers having a tremendous fascination with death. He was raised Catholic and served as an altar boy, entering the seminary at the age of fourteen. It was there that his interest in Catholicism ended and his sense of spirituality began.

    There are no schools or training that could prepare James for his unusual vocation. Indeed, his ability to communicate with the dead arose out of This belief was affirmed by an astonishing encounter that he had when he was only 8-years-old. The young boy was praying for God to reveal Himself to him, when an open hand appeared through the ceiling of James' room emitting radiant beams of light. Incredibly, he recounts, "I wasn't scared. It was actually very peaceful."

    Graduating from public high school, he continued to pursue his studies and later graduated from San Francisco State University with a degree in Broadcasting and Communications. You could say that he ended up working in Communications, just in a different capacity. After graduation, he moved to Los Angeles where he became involved in metaphysics and psychic phenomena. At 24, the promise of that outstretched palm so many years before was fulfilled.

    James is a survival evidence medium, meaning that he is able to bridge the gap between two planes of existence, that of the living and that of the dead, by providing evidential proof of life after death via detailed messages. "I'm clairsentient," he explains, "which simply means clear feeling. I feel the emotions and personalities of the deceased. I am also clairvoyant," he adds, clarifying that, "the first is feeling, the second is seeing, very much like Whoopi Goldberg in the movie, Ghost."

    The true essence of the messages are the feelings behind the words. James is an expert on this subject, since he has been in touch with those feelings most of his adult life. "The spirits communicate by their emotions. No words exist in the English language, or any other for that matter, which can describe the intense sensations."

    Personality traits come in as well. If a person was talkative while alive, he will come through with plenty to say. James also relays physical traits and death conditions as evidence. "If I convey recognizable evidence along with even a fraction of the loving energy behind the message, I consider the reading successful."

    James' public popularity began during his appearances on the NBC talk show The Other Side.The show concentrated on paranormal issues, and James became the favorite guest and resident expert on the subject of life after death. Even Howard Rosenberg, the Los Angeles Times distinguished television critic, dubbed James "spectacular".

    Through the years his message of hope has touched a great many more people due to his television appearances on such shows as Oprah, Larry King Live, Maury Povich, 20/20, and 48 Hours. His unique paranormal experiences during the past twenty-two years have seen him author best-selling books, create meditation programs and development videos, teach mediumship classes, conduct seminars to sold-out audiences, and produce successful television projects.

    I am a great fan of James Van Prague and in his oppinion spirits can have relationships with other spirits and meet other relatives and froends. The Spirit community is very diverse and strong and I am sure that other spirits get to hang out with their deceased friends and relatives.

  9. my belief is that your father has been in contact with his family members and ancestors, those he knew in this life and those who had passed before he was born.

    after this life,  time and space as we know it here on this earth  does not bind us.

    just my opinion. :-)


  10. I've heard plenty of accounts of near death experiences where a deceased loved one was waiting at the bright end of a tunnel.  I think this is the only evidence we have.

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