
Can ghosts from a ouija bored haunt the ppl who used it?

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Can ghosts from a ouija bored haunt the ppl who used it?




  1. (it's board!) I've heard of it, but I don't know for sure....

  2. Yes absolutely, a ouija board is a portal for both good and bad. Spirits can follow you after you play the board. The best advice is to never use the board, even the most seasoned paranormal investigators rarely use it, as they know what can happen.

  3. I had a very bad experience with a ouija board one night and it can do some severe damage.

    My younger brother's best friend had lost his father and asked us to help him use a board to contact him.  We were able to contact an entity, but unfortunately it turned out to be some kind of demon that used the board as a portal to enter him in his weakened mental state.  After a several hour improvised exorcism we were able to get rid of the demon, but the kid still isn't right and that was almost 10 years ago.  I don't know if it is from damage done to his psyche or if the demon is still stalking him, but be very careful using one.

  4. yes. however, i dk what u should do if it is bad, id say exersism. ive personally never had a "bad" or "evil" experiance with it before... but ive heard some interesting stories from pple who dont think of that stuff as normal. hmm.. y r u experiencing something? if so, then what? hmm, i cant say that ouija boards are bad, i mean they can be however they have also saved lives aswell...

    thats  some peoples stories about them, but heh, i hope everything is okay. but if it is something bad, then just go to a priest and ask him. they will be able to help u at for sure.

  5. Oh, of course!

    Its like opening a hard-to-cloes door to your home.

  6. Stay away from ouija boards, they're evil!

  7. Actually if you don't say "good bye" and close the board up properly they can access our world and if they are demons or bad spirits they can haunt you.

  8. Here is what happens when you do something like this. You are giving these creatures permission to interact with you in certain ways. If you do not remove the permission, by saying goodbye etc, then they still have permission to interact with you, but in their own way.

    I want to add that sometimes a particularly powerful creature cannot be driven away, even if permission is removed. Use this board with extreme caution.

  9. yes because you are inviting it into your house/life.

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