
Can ghosts kill u ?

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Can ghosts kill u ?




  1. no...infact ghost cant even hurt you..they are dead and can only make contact in the slightest... most ghost are lost spirits who are confused and still believe they are living in there time.

  2. Real believers do not believe in ghosts

  3. No.  No.  No.  Sylvia Browne says ghosts can do no harm!!!  Now fairies...... they can kill you big time!!!  In your sleep.  They steal your breath away.

  4. there is a possability it can  drive you mad and make you commit siucide,it could happen as an exorcist some other stuff.......

  5. Naw they dead and intangible, but they can scare the sh*t out of you if you believe in them too much. ;O

  6. I hope not, but I might say it too soon.

  7. not directly but they can cause you to harm yourself or others.

    ghost are disembodied spirits that if aware of themselves in this form can affect the living if they wish, otherwise they usually just raise the hair on the back of your neck.

  8. Rent the movie "An American Haunting"  It is based on actual events and is the only documented case in the US of a ghost that sucessfully killed a human.  There is a lot of stuff about it on You Tube and Google.

  9. never god is always wid u

  10. they dont exsist..neither do spirits or gobblins...its all make believe

  11. not that i know of. good question though. im going to look that up...

  12. from insanity maybe..

  13. maybe

  14. Yes they can! if you get possed by one, it can kill you. asked my great great dead dad's dad.!

  15. no ghosts can't harm people they can scare u talk to u.

  16. Not traditionally, although I have a book on ghosts and spirits, and in one case, in Scarborough in England, there is allegedly a ghost that haunts the castle, and has repeatedly tried to push people off the cliffs. poltergeists also have the power to move objects in a potentially harmful way too.

  17. i don't believe they can they're on another realm

  18. Yes, Now when most people think of spirits, They think of God, Jesus, Gods angels, A the remains of the dead that just wander around thru out time, And demons.......... There is no doubt that first 3 can kill you ... The 4th is totally harmless.. The 5th demons can kill you in many ways..............
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