
Can ghosts...?

by  |  earlier

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Do ghosts only stay in one area? Usually they haunt where they were killed, right? Can they leave the country/state/house or are they stuck in one area?

Ex. If my great grandfather was murdered in England, can his spirit come to Canada?




  1. if it's a residual then it stays.i think others can move around.

  2. if hes someones guardian angel he will follow that person every where he or she any where

  3. yes i believe  they can travel i know they can travel from one house to another because i knew someone that had a ghost that lived in their old house and  then move with them to their new house.

  4. well, in the example question, the ghost will only follow the haunted person. so, in this case, i t may be possible, if he was seriously close to you. the second question is right, they do haunt where they were killed and or lived or had their last moments.

  5. There are no ghosts.

  6. I wouldn't know i don't believe in ghosts, though i do get the creeps sometimes.
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