
Can girls be colour blind?

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someone told me girls cant be colour blind is this true and also what is colour blind is it when you cant tell the difference between colours? can someone please help me!




  1. The color blind gene is passed from the color blind father to his daughter who is not color blind but she passes it on to her sons who pass it to their daughters etc.

    In my family my mother's father was color blind, he was the father of 5 sons and five daughters...his five sons are/were all color blind because my mother's mother had a color blind father and all of his daughters have color blind sons.

    It's very, very rare to meet a color blind woman because of the way the gene is passed.

  2. girls CAN get color blind my mom is and color blind means your unable to tell the diference between two colors for example if i was shopping for a new shirt and i wanted a blue shirt i might accidentaly buy a purple or red shirt.

  3. You will find that the majority of racists are men.

  4. no this is not true. but it is very rare to find a girl who is color blind. i have met only one. color blindness is usually when you can't tell most colors apart such as green from red, pink from white, and a few others. some people actually can only see shades of gray, black, and white. there are levels of severity.  

  5. girls can be color blind, but it's very rare.

    Color blind is when you see everything in different shades of black and white. Color blind people can identify certain colors, just from people telling them what they are and them recognizing the color.

  6. Yes, some women are color blind, but it's much more common in men.

  7. Yes, color blindness is when you can't associate the colors correctly. You still see color not black and white! Women carry the gene for color blindness, but I'm not sure if women can actually be color blind. I'm sure that it is possible, but rare.

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