
Can girls join the Boy Scouts?

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My daughters Girl Scout troup likes "Girly things". For example staying in heated cabins, not having open fires, painting nails, sharing feelings...ect. My daughter is a tomboy and loves the outdoors, archery, hiking, cooking over an open fire, camping in tents. She would do everything but the overnights. Does anyone know if this has been done.?




  1. I found a website which should be able to answer your questions:

    The specific info you're asking about is closer to the bottom of the page.

  2. I for one would like to be protective about my daughters, whether they are tom-boyish or not.

  3. I know girls can join the scouts in Australia. Except we don't call it 'Girl Scouts' and 'Boy Scouts' it's just 'Scouts'. Cubs for young boys (only boys), brownies for young girls (only girls). There's all girl groups like the Girl Guides. And then for the older people there's Adventurers (for boys and girls). But I'm not sure if this will help you.

    I guess the only thing you can do is search for a co-ed group (they do exist) or ask the boy scout leader if a girl would be able to  join.

  4. she'll come back pregnant! I would never let my daughter (if I had one) go off in the woods with a bunch of boys!

    She'll grow out of being a tomboy, I did, and out in the woods with a bunch of boys would not be a good time for that to happen.

  5. no i have never heard of this before i think there are guidelines just like a boy cant join the girlscouts

  6. it depends on the scoutmaster if he's willing to accept girls(tomboys)

  7. Why don't you take her to do these things?

  8. i think it has

    like the duke of edinburgh awards

    and what about outward bounds courses?

  9. I would inquire with your local boy scout leader, explain it to him. he may let her join them oooor know of a better( well, more suitable) group for her to join. Maybe there are other girls in the town like her and you could form the group? That'd be sweet. Good luck! :)

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