
Can girls overpower guys?

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Is it possible for a small girl (like 5' - 5'2) to overpower a tall guy in strength or in a fight? Girls, have you ever overpowered a guy?




  1.  Yes, women can overpower men.  My wife and I used to wrestle each other, and I never won against her.  She could pin me, do leg scissors, wrap her strong thighs around my head, and I was always helpless against her.  And, I am 5'6", 180#, and she is 5'1", 150, so I didn't have a bigger, stronger, woman defeating me since she was smaller.  She constantly reminded me, and sometimes still does, that women are the stronger s*x.

  2.  A woman can overpower a guy if she is definitely stronger.  I have wrestled my wife many times, and have lost to her every time.  She doesn't have to put on boots to be able to defeat me.  She can put me in any hold she wants, or pin me down, and I can't get out of her holds or get up when I am pinned by her.  She loves having an undefeated record against me, and reminds me often who is the stronger s*x in our house. 


  3. Me and my wife wrestle all the time. I tought her how to wrestle and in those days none of us tought what was going to happen later. In the years she became more ambitious in wrestling and she always won. She is fast and strong. Now both of us knows, that she is faster and stronger than me, much stronger. About 60 % of her strength is enough to defeat me. When she grabs my wrists, she can push them behind me and I cant stop her, she can force my hands to pin me anytime. She was sporting more actively than me. She is lighter than me with about 25 kgs, but can defeat me anytime in wrestling, can bend my arms anywhere and I can't resist her. Now she enjoys that she can do whatever she wants to me, can pin me, tickle me  as long as she wants, grapevine me and looking down at me, sitting on me and I cant stop her anymore. She knows that and really likes to be stronger han me. In armwrestling, she can push my arm down on the right and on the left to. Im not a weak guy, even I look sronger than her, but when we wrestle, her hiding feminine muscles jump out and are definitely stronger than mine.

    She plays with me and doing one hold after the other one, bending and grabbing me, forcing me to the next hold and I just trying to resist to her feminine and strong body, but it is in vain. She toys with me. I make videos, and it is unbelievable, how she can overpower me all the time. It is a shame, how much weaker I am, who thought before that I am a strong guy. But now I know, that a fit women can overpower me easly and even she enjoys her dominance over me.

    All women like to be stronger than men, and when a woman knows hat, she is stronger than the man, after than she will use her strenght to remind the man who is really the stronger one.

    She likes to grab my wists and strech my arms on the sides, putting me "on the cross" and  I  cant bend my arms to myself, or she is pushing my arms over my head in the bead while I lay under her helplessly and I cant move. She knows, that I cant resist her strength and looking down at me with a winner face, that shows she enjoys this position.

    We tryed a couple times, if she can tie up my hands behind my back with a sock. She could do it both times while I was trying to resist but she did it.

    Its amazing how a woman can fight if she wants.

    I think a man has to be really stronger and faster if he wants to win against a woman.

    Women and girs are usually faster than men, and usually wifes are stronger if they are in the same height and weight like their husbands.

    If you dont  beleive it, try it. You will be surprised, how strong women are.

    Here are the results of our matches:

  4. I think in most cases a man could easily overpower a woman. Their are plenty of cases where woman that have known how to defend themselves with karate etc, have been attacked and raped. I know of men that dont do gym that can bench 100 kg. I,m 32 yr old male, 195 pounds 6ft, and have not done gym for a year and lifted a 100 kg female friend up in my arms, simply because she told me I wouldn't be able to lift her. My long arms were easily able to hold her bulky body tight against my chest. I have never come across a woman in real life capable of doing this, if I wanted to hurt her I could have. She underestimated my strength, and thats a mistake that many woman make. The average man who does do gym is much stronger than the average woman that does gym because of differences in testosterone levels- go to gym and observe this. Men can become weak if their testosterone levels drop drmatically as they age but regular gym counters this. Females actually weaken quicker. The guys out there becoming weak quickly, should do gym as good levels of testosterone maitain good health and s*x drive. I also think that if a black belt female went up against a male professional boxer of the same size who didn't use his legs he would still beat her, I'd put money on it.

  5. Obviously if she has a black belt in some martial art she could do it without any problems.

  6. I can say that I was really embarrassed by my wife. I have worked out for years. Almost all upperbody so I am very muscular up top. My legs are just ok but I never cared about it and the girls always liked my body. My wife was a dancer and worked out in the gym too. Not for body building but for lower body strength and endurance. We both just assumed that my legs were stronger too. I have muscular arms, shoulders and a big powerful chest. I could bench near 300 pounds and curl 120. I tried the leg press and knew my legs were not strong but not weak either. After about 3 weeks into our relationship when I met her I took her to my appartment gym. Her arms were skinny and weak and she could hardly bench press anything. Later we were in the small hot tub and we were talking about the gym and she teased me about my legs. She said she first thought I must have strong legs because my upper body was so strong but now thought she could beat me in a leg wrestle. I did not believe it. We leg wrestled in the hot tub and after a struggle I just could not believe what was happening. Her legs over powered mine. I was dumbfounded and mistaken. Here this girl with a skinny wimpy upper body overpowered this guy (me) with the big upperbody muscles with her legs. We compared leg muscle afterward and it look like she had more. Her legs were bigger at the top of the thigh but smaller at the knee. To this day her legs are slightly stronger and it still turns her on to overpower me with little leg strength battles. Over the years she has told this too many friends and this always seems to make the women smile. I have had to leg wrestle some of her girl freinds since which I have beat most of them but lost to some too.

  7. My husband is really strong in his upperbody. Much stronger then me. Funny thing when we both found out my legs were a tad stronger. I used to dance and he did nothing for his lower body so it is no wonder. He was ticked at first but is Ok with it now.

  8. yes of course

  9. I find reading some of these comments interesting since most men do not think a women could overpower them physically.My husband and I both like to compete against each other in sports and we each think we are superior to each other athletically.We recently played tennis and he kicked my a*s in 3 sets and I was only able to beat him in 1 game.He bragged and called me a fat a*s butch and even though I lift weights all the time i still have a fat a*s.This really pissed me off and put me in a dominant and aggressive mood.I will admit I have been taking creatine and trying to gain lots of strength and muscle but it has all gone to my legs which are much stronger than his.I weighed myself and I am 185lbs and 5ft6 not 178 anymore but my strength and muscle increases are scarry strong.I can lift 220lbs 20 times on a leg extension 15 times.My husband can only lift 150  3 times max.When I do reverse extentions the difference is even more dramatic I can lift 140lbs 15 times he can only lift 60 lbs maybe 4 times. Although he can bench press 160 lbs to my 135lbs overall I am much stronger than him especially in the legs.He is much taller than me at 5ft11 and 190lbs but when we wresle I win 90% of the time straight up without any advantages.When I put on my winter hiking boots and wrestle him I win 100% of the time and totally dominate him.Anyway, after our tennis match the other day I wanted to really overpower him and teach him a lesson.I felt horney and dominant.So as he was taking a shower I put on my boots and prepared to attack him when he came out of the shower naked.I wrestled him hard and caught him in a double leg grapevine.This is the most dominant and hummiliating position to put a man in if you have stronger legs.I know I could have raped him if I didn t have my jeans on.I was on top for a good 4 minuites,It Felt so good to spread his legs out wide into a split and pin him with my arched back and t**s in his face.He got hard after the 1st minuite so I know I could have raped him if I wanted to do so.He was embaressed at the same time he gained a new respect for me becouse I have never caught him like this in such a vulnerable position but it felt greate for me.

  10. YES,I also had a girlfriend of mine who is a personal trainer tell me she was stronger than her live in boyfriend. I gave her the idea to use her hiking boots when wrestling with her boyfriend becouse it makes your leg locks much more powerful.She loves to overpower men with her leg squeezes she told me she caught him in a head leg lock during a match and almost knocked him out.So many athletic girls with strong legs can overpower the average man.Men still have an upper body strength advantage 95% of the time.But girls if you have much stronger legs than your man try the hiking boots with scissors and you can kick his a*s. It is a great turn on for some women.

  11. YES,I have taken judo for 3 years and played college varsity soccer,in addition to overpowering my husband on many occasions during semi-competive and competitive wrestling.I once dated an indian man 2 inches shorter and at least 20 lbs lighter.He came back to my apartment after a date and we both play wrestled.I was able to totally overpower and dominate him with my much stronger legs.It was like wrestling with a 10 year old girl he was so weak.This turned me off becouse the difference in strength was so great I know I could have raped him if I wanted to do so.I am sure some female bodybuilders and very athletic women have dated wimps they have been able to totally dominate.

  12. The answer is yes in my case I was able to totally overpower my husband with my exceptionally strong muscular legs. I am 5ft 6inches and weigh 173lbs my legs are much stronger than his although he is 5ft 11inches and 182lbs.When I put on my hiking boots on and we wrestle I have been able to totally overpower him and grapevine him. This is a very dominant and overpowering position to put your man in.

  13. Sure! If she knows some martial art she could beat a much bigger guy.

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