
Can glasses make crosseye worse after 3 week of treatment?

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My son is 19 months old. His eye would go inward when looking at things close up. The dr put him in glasses and now after 3 weeks, 90% of the time his eye is constantly inward.




  1. Hmmm it should not make it worse, I'd bring him in and have them take a look and see why it's getting worse than it was. It's really important to get on top of the problem before the brain is trained to see that way, great job for being pro-active!! :)

  2. They really shouldn't make his eyes cross more.  My daughter got glasses at 14 months to correct for crossed eyes, and they straightened out almost immediately.  A few months later they started crossing again, which our ophthalmologist said was a sign that her prescription had changed and needed to be updated.  I would definitely call the eye doctor and ask about taking another look at his eyes.  You might also take pictures of his eyes with the glasses to take to the appointment.  I've found having photo evidence of what's going on can be very helpful.

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