
Can global warming ever go away? even if we all stop polutating and come together and help?

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Can global warming ever go away? even if we all stop polutating and come together and help?




  1. Yes, it can.  But it will take work.

    Human activity (agriculture, etc.) already takes a couple billion tons of carbon out of the atmosphere every year.  The problem is that almost all this carbon goes right back into the atmosphere within a few months.  If we structure our activities so that a good fraction of this carbon stays out of the atmosphere while cutting fossil emissions, we'll reverse the accumulation of greenhouse gases and eventually reverse the warming.  Some relevant links are below.

    Dr. Jello and his camp are going to rate this a "bad answer".

  2. If global warming is fixed, how would pseudo scientist get funding?

    Just like the war on drugs, the war on carbon will never be won.

  3. It will go away naturally. Solar activity has been higher in the last seven decades than it was in the past 8000 years. NASA's long range solar forecast is for one of the weakest solar cycles in the centuries. We should see some cooling if that is true.

  4. Probably not, we ruined to earth mostly. If it doesn't go away the least we can do is prevent it from going any further. Scientist are afraid the O-Zone layer will leave us, the sun will burn out, so on, so on.

    Scientist need the money to research what will happen if human race proceeds to pollute the earth.

    Joanna XOXO, Vote me as best answer

  5. Not really, what we have caused can't be reversed. But we can always reduce the damage.

  6. Not really, what we have caused can't be reversed. But we can always reduce the damage. Global warming is partly a natural process, one that we have made much worse. It will happen anyway, but if we help fight it, we can make it less ugly...

    PS: It's polluting, not polutating...

  7. yes global warming can get fixed, but it will take a lot of work, a lot of time, and a lot of people.....

  8. Let's hope it never goes away. Who the h**l wants to live under a mile thick sheet of ice? Maybe you should research the last ice age. Talk about killing the planet. Here is one site to help you out.

  9. its not gonna happen

    the world will be over by then

  10. Map: Global Warming Effects

    Arctic Sea Ice Gone in Summer Within Five Years?

    Lifestyle changes can curb climate change

    The Stop Global Warming calculator shows you how much carbon dioxide you can prevent from being released into the atmosphere and how much money you can save by making some small changes in your daily life. It’s our hope that the calculator will promote action, awareness and empowerment by showing you that one person can make a difference and help stop global warming.

  11. For all we know that global warming could be a repeated cycle that the earth undergoes. So this could just be a part of natures cycle. Just like the water cycle only longer.

  12. Eventually global warming will trigger a new ice age, so yes, it will go away even if we do not do anything useful.

    Paying someone else to lower their carbon footprint or paying them to avoid increasing it does appear to be a non-starter, but we might consider doing things to provide for much increased storage of water to get people through deep and prolonged droughts. Conserving fuels so that a next generation may still be able to function may slow down our global warming, but we still need to do it even if we can not stop global warming.

  13. There is no proof that global warming is anything but the natural heating and cooling cycles of the earth. The earth is thousands of years old, and we only have even semi reliable data for about the last hundred years

    In the 1970's the big scare tactic was that we were causing an new ice age, and the planet was cooling. Now it is global warming. Most of those who want to "solve " the problem really want less personal freedom and more governmental control of our lives!

    I do not believe that we are "killing the planet". I do not believe that the minor rise in temperature is a real problem!  Anytime someone says that carbon dioxide (a natural gas that humans expel when they breath and which supports plant life) is pollution, I know that they have given up science for politics!

  14. Yes - eventually it will go away because the world will heat up until the energy being radiated will equal the energy being received.  The problem is that, as yet, no one knows at what point that will be, and how much life the world will support at that point.

  15. We will experience many more ice ages! Man's contribution to global warming might not exist, or it might be anywhere from 1 to 5 %. We really don't know, and it would be foolish to transfer billions of dollars from the west to the east when all our efforts might do absolutely nothing to change anything---except empower backward rogue nations!

  16. There is an Ice Age coming, it is all a cycle. 2000 years ago there were vineyards and wineries in northern Great Britain. There is plenty of evidence to support global cooling. Don't just follow the word of celebrities as it is popular to be green. Do your homework, study the facts carefully.

  17. I think if we try we can slow it down but not stop it completly. There my be no way to go without a little bit.

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