
Can godparents fight for custody of children in foster care?

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My nieces are in foster care and there mom is working on getting them back. Well the godparents of one of them is going to take my sister in-law to court to get custody of the little girl. could she really win the case and take my niece away?




  1. Godparents are chosen to help with the spiritual growth of the child.  As an aunt you are entitled to those children.  I put my oldest son in care  a couple of years back and his aunt stepped up and took him.  She had to go through the kinship program

  2. The label of godparent is traditionally a religious role in nature, not a legal one. The traditional role of a godparent is to see that the child get's their religious education in case of the parent(s) death. They really have no legal claim over the children. For example if your SIL and brother were to die the children would go to the nearest blood relative unless they have a will saying specifically that they want the godparents to get them.

    It really all depends on the case against your SIL and what steps she is taking to retain her custodial rights. Most of the time the state wants to work with the parents to maintain their families instead of breaking them apart.

  3. I have been awarded Parenting Rights of my Godson. His parents however aren't in the picture, and it was in their wishes for us to take Guardianship of their son. I did fight his biological Aunt in the case, and did win, but it was because of personal reasons (I don't wish to discuss)

    If there is a strong case of why the children are in state care, the Godparents are able to fight it - BUT being a Godparent, I know that I am not a guardian. You have more rights to the children than the Godparents do.

    Being a Godparent, you are only a spiritual figure, nothing legal. However if your sister in-law is found unfit by the State, the Godparents may be awarded Custody or they may stay in State care.

    If your Sister In-law isn't a bad mother or doesn't have a strong case built against her, I don't see why she won't be awarded the children back.

  4. Right now your nieces are in the custody of CPS and they can't be released to anyone without the courts say so and since the mom is working on getting them back they can't just release them to the godparents.  They may considered temp custody/guardianship to a family member if they are fit but not just godparents.  Chances are no they can't get custody or even visitations to the girls as they aren't even familiy.  

  5. probably not unless maybe the mom was in agreement in wanting the kids to foster with the god-parents rather than some strangers until the court deems her fit to regain custody of the children.

  6. if the bio parents give permission then the godparents can have the children but not permanent. only as the role of foster parents with the Mom working to get the kids back. But the godparents would have to prove theyhave a significant bond with the children. And they frown on siblings being seperated in foster care unless absolutely needed.

  7. Highly unlikely unless she has went through a lot of classes about fostering children and/or adoption.  The godparents are just like any other person in the world, if they aren't of any relation.

  8. Probably not.  God parents have no legal rights to a child.

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