
Can goldfish eat fish smaller than they are?

by Guest60667  |  earlier

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I had one neon and one glofish. i had them for a good two weeks and today i just found them gone! I looked under the rocks and they werent there. The filter is too small for them to pass through.

Could this have been the goldfish?




  1. Yeah most likely. Fish food is actually made out of fish lol, so they will eat whatever.

    I'd say check the inside of the filter just in case. Or move around the rocks, see if they got stuck underneath something.

    You sure you have no kids or animals around the house who might have been alone in the room with the fish??? haha

  2. **if your tank is open most likely it jumped out

    ** Someone could have taken it.

    ** theres a small possibility that it got eaten.

  3. Goldfish eat tiny organisms that grow on the side of your bowl, I think they eat fish because it is ingredients in fish food I buy. Possibly, only if they were starving I suppose.

  4. Goldfish are omnivores, meaning they eat meat as well as vegetables.

    Yes, if the other fish are small enough to fit in the goldfish's mouth, chances are, they were eaten.

    My goldfish tried time and time again to eat a small CAE that I had.

    So yes, it's very possible.  

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