
Can govt. authorities delete informative websites to prevent mass awareness of issues such as the CHEMTRAILS?

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By deleting the web pages you can continue to cover up important issues.

Does anyone know of this happening?

At the moment the skies in Europe, the U.S, Australia and even New Zealand are being deliberately sprayed with toxic chemicals (google 'chemtrails' if you are not aware of this).

I am therefore curious as to how web pages are protected, because I worry that we might live in a future where the internet is heavily sensored by the powers that be.




  1. Legally, they shouldn't be able to but in reality, they are most likely doing it everyday. The only good thing about the internet is the fact that it so vast that no government or group of governments can completely censor it. If you're looking for something on the net, 9 times out of 10 you will find it whether the government wants you to know or not.

  2. I don't know much about chemtrails but also noticed some over Canada, you can see the difference between contrails and chemtrails which form incubus clouds trails. It does seem some what fishy and they should make the public aware of what they are doing or else more conspiracies will form.

  3. Take your meds and put your tin hat back on and you will be fine.

    Just because it is on the internet doesn't make it real.

    You are on the same level of insanity as those who believe that Bush did 9/11, aliens crashed landed at Rosewell, we didn't go to the moon, etc.

    Get a grip on reality it will do you some good.

  4. Millions of dollars are spent every year to prove to you it's "safe" to use microwaves. Not only microwaves but plastic in the microwave. AND millions or more are spent to convince you that petroleum and chemicals are necessary for every aspect of daily life. Even though we know the damage these inventions have done to the human body and the environment. Nobody does enough to put a stop to it. Chemtrails...while what they are is debateable, nobody debates their existance. To me, it's more pollution---perhaps an experiment to control climate change.  What can I do about it?  Nothing but talk. Does the government care on a daily basis? No. Does the person doing it care when they are performing a test or dumping chemicals? Perhaps. But misinformation is cheaper and easier than removing web sites.  I doubt if anyone is trying that hard to cover it up. They'll just spend a little money claiming it's good or necessary.

  5. Since there is no way to separate the truth from the fantasy on the internet (Thanks for proving that, BTW), the government would have no interest in shutting down websites.

  6. who says they are toxic?

    Who says they are "chem"trails? Cant they just be CONtrails?

    why oh why would the govt spray toxins on us?

  7. I know. Just tell everyone! call your government reps.........create an awarness group with friends!

    Keep it up!

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