
Can granite countertops be radioactive?

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Can granite countertops be radioactive?




  1. Yes, Granite is naturally radioactive, but the amount given out is too little to have any effect, on your health.  All of us, are being bombarded by radioactivity everyday by natural substances......but, it is in too small a dose to cause harmful effects.

  2. The only way something can be radioactive to a point where it is dangerous, is if it has been in a nuclear reactor or been exposed to nuclear fallout from a bomb.

  3. You need to search Radon Gas, it is given off by Cornish Granite in its natural environment.

  4. I see you watched the TV this AM.

    My HD had me look for the device to find out what is radioactive or giving off radon and what is not.

    They have some gray colored ones on line that look a lot like the black one on TV this AM. They were $119 on several web sites. Just search radon detector and or radio   activity detector. Than you can run about testing everything and know what is going on.

  5. yes it is but the amount is miniscule

    granite contains uranium and its decay products which are active

    if you lived in an area based on granite, cornwall, parts of scotland etc, the most significant risk is from radon, one of the decay products. the risk is over tens of  years and even then is tiny, when you live on top of it. so a worktop is not worth worrying about

  6. Short answer, yes. Almost everything has some radioactivity.

    The radioactivity level of granite however, is no higher than anything else that you may have in your house.

    You'll be fine.

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