
Can guinea pigs be with ferrets?

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i know ferrets arent rodents but guinea pigs are so i decided to put it on this section please answer




  1. No, ferrets are carnivorous and will kill a guinea pig (rodent). My ferrets are free roam and many times have killed a poor mouse.

  2. Absolutely not, the ferret would view the piggy as prey. One night you would wake up, and there would be no guinea pig.

    "Ferrets primarily prey on rabbits, but they also eat hares, possums, birds, eggs, lizards, hedgehogs, frogs, eels and various invertebrates. Ferret diet varies with season and food availability, and male ferrets eat more rabbits than do females. When rabbit numbers are lowered with a control programme, ferrets are capable of changing their diet to other species."

    If a Ferret's main food source is a rabbit, and it "is capable of changing their diet to other species." then I am sure your guinea pig would be a nice lunch for your ferret.

    So the answer is in short, No, it is never a good idea to keep two different species together....

    Good Luck,

  3. Actually ferrets are technically rodents and NO!!!!!!!!!! Ur ferrets will EAT Ur guinea pig ferrets prey on animals like chinchillas or guinea pigs in the wild its their natural instinct

  4. NO! Don't put 2 different species together in one cage...

  5. Probably not seeing that a ferret would view a g-pig as food lol

  6. Ferrets are very social creatures, but never introduce it to a giunea pig, rabbit, or a mouse. They will try their darndest to eat it. They are born to kill rodents.

  7. No!! Guinea pigs are major PREY animals, and ferrets are definitely PREDATORS. You put those two together, you may very well end up with a dead guinea pig.

    They should only be housed with their own kind. Not to mention the different dietary requirements, etc.

  8. Not a good idea...ferrets are know to be aggresive with anything other than its own breed, even then they have rough fights occasionally. If you dont want a dead guinea pig I suggest you not do it. Plus youd probably not want to clean up the err...guinea pig corpse in the morning.

  9. well their best being in their own species so ferrets isnt a good idea and too many guinea pigs shouldnt be in one cage either they like their space and they get frighted easily, but guinea pigs can visit one another if u let them roam in a pen together. ive had guinea pigs for over 5 years

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