
Can guinea pigs change gender?

by Guest65883  |  earlier

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I have 3 male guinea pigs and they are all DEFINITELY MALE. i have had their genders checked twice and their genitals all look the same. but the other day i noticed that one of them was getting fatter and has decided to grow nipples! but he has a p***s! help!




  1. All guinea pigs have nipples regardless of gender.


  2. To be honest both gender of Guinea pigs have nipples, so they are no help in deciding which s*x you have.

    If you notice a puckered (irregularly folded) looking spot just above the genital area, it's a good possibility that you're holding a male.

    Next, press gently just above the genital area. If the guinea pig is a male, his p***s should come out. If the guinea pig is young, you can also examine the area around the animal's r****m. A donut-shape also signifies a male because this is where the guinea pig's testicles are located.

    Hope this will help you.

    Refer this pages for picture reference


  3. yes they can.

    Guinea pigs are homafrodites.

  4. No, I don't think any sort of mammals can change gender, maybe he is getting man b***s like tubby men do.

  5. One may be developing testes.  Are they right above the hind legs?  And to double check the gender, boars have enlarged genital areas, sows don't.

  6. A good question I have two guinea pigs that I had for quite awile though so...I would say maybe.Cause pplz could run them on test such as putting differ hormones in another ones body.Im not that sure.

  7. Guineas cannot change gender and both genders have nipples.

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