
Can guys live without their p***s?

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I know it might sound crazy but I was just wondering this. Women can get their breast cut off and still live so could a guy get his p***s cut off and still be able to live? I don't want any crazy answers like "LOL what kinda question is this" or anything like that. I am really curious of this!! Thank you in advance.




  1. Yes, a man could live with out his p***s, but I don't think it would be much of a life!

  2. physically yes mentally no  

  3. yes they can, a cathader can be placed in the man, i know someone who didnt have one and lived to be 67, he was in a horrible accident at age 40.

  4. I'm pretty sure that most guys will want to keep their penises but I don't see what could kill you about not having one.  Do transexuals die?

  5. Technically, yes we could live without the p***s, however life would be much more difficult if we didn't have it. In order for a guy without a p***s to pee, they would have to insert a catheter attached to a collection bag and he would have to walk around with that for the rest of his life. Not to mention the fact that he could never have s*x or reproduce again. But yes, assuming the p***s wasn't lost in a bloody accident where the guy bleeds to death, then he could survive without it. The question is, would life be worth living without a p***s? A lot of guys would probably say no to that one.  

  6. No!  We could only exist.

  7. As much as you can live without your t.its.

  8. I guess I could live without it but I wouldn't be very happy.

  9. Well your comparing two different things, You would have to compare a v****a to a p***s not breast. But I doubt it. Unless they exchanged it for a v****a like some do which is crazy and stupid.

  10. no way! i culd never live without this big guy!

  11. yes guys can live without it but i would kill myself

  12. would we pee?

  13. yeh... it's not essential, apart from for procreation.

  14. it if gets cut off and you arnt on any pain killers then you might die from pain

    i would kill myself if it got cut off

  15. Can the people live with money.... kinda like that

  16. I would think so.

  17. How will I satify my babe? Medically, they can with a laceration.

  18. But can you live without your pretty face or can you live without money or car or any sort of things?

    If you really can, then you're a really amazing person. But honestly, we are not monks in the Shaolin Temple. We need our penises to give us those ecstasy feelings. And it would just make us feel less masculine if we don't have penises. Just like those eunuchs in the Qin dynasty.

  19. Ask John Bobbitt

  20. yes, as long as they get surgery as soon as the p***s is removed. the surgery is needed to ensure they can urinate

  21. Of course. As long as they had a pee hole to go pee pee out of, anyone can live without a p***s. Same way about your b*****s or your v****a. You don't need b*****s at all to survive, and all you need is a pee hole.

  22. no but yes. There needs to be a place to urine to leave but not specifically a p***s. any hole will do :) it would take a lot of surgery  

  23. h**l no we cant live out or p***s. can u live with out yr p***y.

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