
Can haldol be used by a 8 years old child

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this chld is autistic and i would like to know if this is the right medication for him?please help.




  1. No.  Autistic kids aren't psychotic, so why would you feed one an old generation one with serious side effects?  Get another doctor.  And, if need be, get some counseling on how to care for an autistic child.  

  2. Consulting a doctor would give you the best information. That said, I know children younger than 8 years old who have been given medications for behavior issues, among other things, so it's definitely not unheard of.

  3. I wouldn't do anything until I checked with the doctor.

  4. ask your doctor the child may be on medicen that may cause problems when takeing with other meds

  5. I took Haldol when I was 8.  I don't recommend it.  It makes everything fuzzy.  My reaction time was VERY slow, which was a problem, say crossing the street.  If taken for a long time it also gives you permanent shaking in hands/arms.  If you need to give a child a relaxant I would suggest Propranolol.  It's more common with side effects not nearly as bad as Haloperidol.

  6. heck no

  7. Actually a lot of autistic spectrum children do very well on anti-psychotic medication, and it is FDA approved for this use, but usually the drug of choice is risperdal, it increases speech, improves focus and concentration, and decreases impulsivity, and decreases anxiety.  Many meds are from different classes but used for other diagnosis from what it is intended such as many of the anticonvulsants used as mood stablizers.   Xanex is another med that helps with the anxiety usually 0.25 mg.  What doesn't usually work for autistic children are the stimulants so if you have tried these and noticed he became psychotic that happens frequently ritalin, strattera, focalin, vynanese.  Also another class that sometimes makes these kids manic are anti-depressants, another class to try to avoid if possible.

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