
Can hamsters catch fleas..??

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I have two hamsters. A small black one and a white one with black and grey fur that has red eyes. I want to now if hamsters can catch fleas because sometimes I see them scratch like a dog when they have fleas. I know that hamsters can catch fleas from other animals but I have no other animals in my house. Can the hamsters be allergic to themselves even though were in the same cage when I got them..Help me..!!




  1. they possibly can have fleas.. if they are little black bugs that jump most likely ur hamsters have them. (it is possible b.c not only does the fleas love a warm furry place to live but the hamsters relative the rat bought fleas into europe which caused the bobonic plague

  2. hamster are not usually allergic to themselves however what kid of bedding are you using for them because they are allergic to cedar wood so don't use cedar wood chips for there cages. if you don't have cedar bedding i wouldn't worry animals have normal itches just like humans do and scratch them all the same however you may want to use some flea and tick spray for hamsters as a precaution, if you bought the hamsters at a pet store they could've gotten fleas there. i know UltraCare is one of the brands that makes it, its called 'eight in one small animal flea and tick spray' it can be found at many places like petsmart, you can even order it at just go under the small pets section then click medications in the side menu then click flea & tic in that side menu.

  3. yes they can

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