
Can hamsters eat peanuts?

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My hamster was sick and now she is very skinny... I Know penuts have alot of fat, so I was wondering if peanuts were okay to fatten her up again.




  1. Yes, peanuts are perfectly fine for a hamster to eat; I give my hamsters peanuts as treats all the time; they have a blast opening the shell up, and once they've got the peanut inside, they go nuts xD

    Don't listen to Denzel; if what he said was true, I would've lost over 30 hamsters throughout my time breeding, raising and caring for hamsters.

    But, I wouldn't recommend giving your hamster peanuts that are salted, that could cause more problems than it solves, because too much salt in their diet (and salt from salted peanuts is ALOT to a little hamster) can affect their health later on in life. I would suggest giving her roasted peanuts, or even better, peanuts straight out of the ground (yes, they can be bought at fresh produce grocery stores)


    But grapes and other watery fruits can give your hamster diarrhea and that can cause even more problems (can even cause wet tail if left unchecked); and I don't think a hamster that just got over an illness should be exposed to any risk of getting sick again o:

  2. Well since she is so skinny you might want to consider feeding her nutritious food like grapes, carrots and lettuce. This could help her regain strength and health. You can give her a few peanuts but make sure they are not salted or coated in anything. Peanuts are a little fatty but a few wont hurt. Just be careful about the amounts that you are giving her. Feed her more nutritious things so she can regain her strength.

    Hope I helped! Hope she feels better!

  3. NOOOOOOO, peanuts are fatal to hamsters

  4. feed your hamster a seedless grape or any seedless fruits that small as a grapes.. it has lots of nutrients that can bring the energy of your hamster...  

  5. Hello yes its a great source of protein for them

    but only give them unsalted nuts without the shells lol

    I give mine one every so often so they dont get so dependent on them

    good luck ♥

  6. ignore they people who are saying you can't. you can give her peanuts just not salted ones because the salt with make her dehydrated. sunflower seeds and hamster treats also contain fat so that could help her put on weight. also boiled egg or cooked chicken will give her a protein boost. good luck!

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