
Can hamsters swim? if they can wat kind of water can they swim in?

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can hamsters swim cuse i have seen in youtube, that one was swiming. my hamster breed is snow wihte russin hamsters.and can a fat chubbie won swim and thin won?




  1. They can swim but I wouldn't let it.Hamsters can catch colds and pnemonia pretty easy.If you do let it swim make sure you watch it the whole time.

  2. No hammys can not swimmm!!! unless yu want to kill it which is retarted!!! hpe i helped!!

  3. no i am not sure if a hamster can swim but it is bad to bathe them cause their naturally oil in their fur can be wash away and the only time you can actully bathe them is when they are so dirty that they can not groom themself. and you need to get this special hamster sampoo and the water has to be very low so the hamster can not drown the water has to warm so the hamster can not get a cold.

  4. No hamsters cannot swim.  It is rather dumb to have a youtube video as your source.  For one, hamster are not mean to bathe, they bathe themselves. Hamsters are tiny and how that man got a hamster to swim is his own knowledge, but attempting it might be dangerous to your hamster.

  5. Like others have said...any animal is gonna try to keep itself from drowning BUT that doesn't mean they like the water or that it is healthy for them to be in it.

    Please don't try to make your hamster swim in even the slightest bit of water.

    Really what is the point? Your own enjoyment and entertainment? Sorry but that is not what hamsters are for.

  6. Hamsters can not swim, and should not even be given a bath. Water is water, there is no other kind unles you mean flavoured water or something like that.

  7. No and it will probably stress it out to the point of death.  So I wouldn't try it.

  8. Well, I would think that if it's a life or death situation, every animal would somehow struggle to stay afloat and not drown... But a you tube video is not a very legitimate source. Just because you SEE comething, doesn't mean it SHOULD occur.

    You should never allow a hamster near water. It is very easy to drown them. And if not thoroughly dried, they very easily catch pnemonia or colds.

  9. Wow a you tube video. Yes some hamsters can swim but most can't. If you really want it to swim that bad put it in the tub but make sure the water is were he can still walk in it the fill it Little more just a tiny bit so that he can barely touch the bottom. Then keep a very very very close eye on him if he starts acting weird get him out and dry him so he doesn't get sick and no not with a blow dryer with a soft towel. If he does start to swim then good for it but don't keep putting him in water just cause he can swim hes probably swimming cause he wants to get out of the water. Hope I helped.

  10. I let mine swim in a kiddie pool when I was 10.  Needless to say I had a funeral that night and learned my lesson.

  11. you should not let them go in water, it's bad for them. that's why they wash themselves with a dust bath and not water. i've also seen a youtube video of a hamster swimming but the owner is just doing that for his own fun or he thought it would be cool to put his hamster in water to see it swim but they can get sick. i guess the hamster's swimming to survive or else it would drown. hamsters don't like getting water on them

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