
Can handshakes be inappropriate? Is it rude to reject one? If not, what is the best way?

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A while ago I went to the tutoring center at school to get my paper checked. The tutor introduced himself and greeted me with a handshake, which is fine. After he finished helping me on the paper, he gave me another handshake and then he said it was nice meeting you and he gave me another handshake but this time it felt kind of weird, with stroking/ caressing finger(s) guessing middle and/or index? He said take care and then another handshake with the same finger thing but held my hand longer and pulled it towards his chest..... seemed kind of awkward but maybe it's just me.




  1. That's a few handshakes too many.  Obviously he was trying to give you notice that he found you attractive; and this was his immature way to try and "turn you on."

  2. ummm yea that is a bit strange. he could be a pervert freak. or he could just have very..very...strange handshakes.

    so i would just uh, stay away.

  3. stay clear of this creep. that was no hand shake - for him it was a mental ****., and hes your tutor? hold books, or stand back, if he approaches take one step back, if he steps closer take another step back and tell him you dont feel comfortable. watch his expression 1 fear or 2 whats wrong with you. be firm and dont say any more, and he will get the point. in future go accompanied.

  4. Normally I would say that is rude to reject a handshake, but in a case like this, the guy is just being creepy. I would just outright tell him he is making you uncomfortable next time. He'll be so embarrassed that he won't dare trying it again.

  5. I think it is Disrespectful not to shake hands, but if the person offering you is someone who goes against your morals and you do not respect then I would not do it either! I am kind-of superstitious about handshakes. If I am meeting someone for the first time and they stick their left hand out to shake then that gives me a bad impression. ALWAYS SHOULD OFFER YOUR RIGHT HAND!

  6. Too many handshakes can be inappropriate... especially in that case. He's supposed to be a tutor... not hitting on his clients.

  7. Your tutor likes shaking hands! OR he's pretending to.

  8. well that was inappropriate its kinda rude yes because Ur letting them hang there lol or u can give them a french kiss =p.

  9. Leave your hands at your side and just look at his extended hand until he pulls it back.

  10. Many people will not handshake for many reasons,,,for instance, Howie Mandel,,he has OCD,,

    Hold your fist out like you are playing one potato, they can tap it with theirs,,,,,

    some day,,I hope,, people will stop handshaking because it really is not sanitary,

  11. yes this is called the I want to **** you hand shake, no joke.

  12. awwwwwwwwwwww

  13. The finger thing was way out of bounds.  Don't let this person touch you again.  Period.

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