
Can harry potter kill edward cullen?

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is it possible? i mean edward is fast and could read harrys mind before he could whip out his i would say edward could kill harry first. do you agree?




  1. um definitely NOT!!! edward is faster, smarter, can read harry's mind...harry has a wand and a broom (ooo scarrrry!) edward can snap those with his pinkies!

  2. Umm edwards's immortal, so he cant die. And Harry can just cast a Shield Charm and Edward can't get near him. Neither would win.  

  3. I don't think either would want to kill the other.  But if they absolutely positively had to... Harry could cast a spell to keep Edward from reaching his mind, and also his body, during that time he could cast another spell to kill him, but he probably wouldn't be able to hit him because Edward can move too fast.  Also, Edward's made of tough stuff, so it probably wouldn't matter if it did hit him with a spell, like it took so many wizards to take down a dragon.  Harry is just flesh and bones.  So I think Edward would ultimately win, if not immediately.

  4. It depends on whether Potter's got the entire Ministry of Magic behind him, supporting him of course. Then no one could really win. Except maybe Chuck Norris or Morgan Freeman.  

  5. I don't agree at all. Harry could just use occlumency so that Edward can't read his mind and then he could use Petrificus Totalus so that he can't move. Harry would win. Obviously.  

  6. Nope, I don't agree.

    Ok so Edward can read minds, Harry practices Occlumency and Legimancy, which means he read also read minds, but he can block out people too. He also has an Invisibility Cloak, so Edward wouldn't be be able to see him. He can curse Eddie in 10 different ways before Edward would even know he was there. A simple spell like the Body Binding spell for example, and Edward won't be able to move at all, no matter how strong and fast he is. Harry can also put a ton of charms on himself and protect himself. And since Edward is already dead because hes a vampire, idk if Avada Kedavra would kill him, but while hes binded, he can be cut up or wutever. Edward has said thats the only way to kill a vampire. Enough reasons?

  7. In response to you question: Yup. Harry can kill whoever this Edward dude is. He gave up his life to save his friends, and the WORLD for god sake (and came back to life to tell his story). Harry, the chosen one, the boy who lived, the undesirable number one (read book seven), you are a hero. Besides, he killed Voldemort.

  8. I hope so.

    Hopefully an "Avada Kedavra" and set Cullen in his place: his grave.

    btw, he probably could. Harry can do almost everthing you can possible imagine--except summon food from nothing---with his wand. His power is at his fingertips.

  9. well thats tough.

    but im pretty sure that the only way that edward would be killed by harry is if he could.. nevermind

    the only way to kill edward/ any vampire is to rip them apart and burn the remains.

    and edward is so fast and can read harrys mind that harry wouldnt have time to say a spell before he was dead.

    although Edward wouldnt want to just kill him for no reason since hes a human and killing humans is bad!


    but i heard a question lik this a few weeks ago.

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