
Can having certain dreams be some sort of sign from God of the path i need to take?

by  |  earlier

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I have been having dreams about me and the guy i am in love with, and i have been asking God to send me some sort of sign on whether i should make it work, or if i should let it go.




  1. god is not listening. He is to busy punishing us with natural disasters for tolerating homosexuals.

  2. in some ways yes in some ways no, it depends how you think about it, God is you, your subconcious mind is aware of your desires for this guy so when you dream you obviously see him, I'm not saying this means you should ignore it, if your subconcious is giving you a message strongly, listen to it

  3. some times?

  4. God gives you clear dreams and you will know when it is from Him. For He speaks to your spirit deep to deep.

    Ask Him for wisdom and deserment.

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