
Can having the bass turned up to the highest it will go, blow the speakers in a car?

by  |  earlier

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And no, I am not one of those annoying drivers that can be heard approaching from the previous suburb. I don't turn up the volume that loud but I like to have a lot of bass as I love RnB and it sounds so much better with heaps of bass. My husband worries it will blow the speakers but I feel it is a waste no to use it. Can it really blow the speakers or is he just making it up?




  1. It is possible, particularly if the signal fed to the speakers has a great amount of distortion.  (e.g. Stock head unit)  If you blow the speakers, all isn't lost ... might be then you can upgrade to better sounding speakers anyhow.  And yes ... listening to R & B without much bass wouldn't sound right, in my opinion.

  2. well yes if the volume is high and if the rms input to the sub go over its limit for a while, but why  mine is like 1\4 turned up and still all i can hear is bass  and bass turned all the way up it probably sound like a one man beatboxing

  3. You absolutely can blow out the speakers, even with a cheap stereo system.  Listen for distortion as mentioned above to know when you've reached the limit.

  4. you can have any setting you like but if you hear distortion you will damage the speakers because when the signal becomes distorted, or "clipped." This distorted signal can cause parts of the speaker to overheat, warp and melt. Not good!

  5. Which way did he go George???Which way did he go?

  6. yes you can, but I would listen for distortion, if you hear distortion, then you need to turn down the bass... some systems cut off when the speakers get overloaded..

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