
Can he be charged with possession of cds (drug)?

by  |  earlier

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my brother left his girlfriend on monday evening, without telling her, he just walked out.

on tuesday my friend calls me saying that the cops are looking for him,

because this psicho his girl went to the police and took cocaine, stating that he was selling , he wasnt in nj at the moment, but they lived together in the house, so she said that she found out that he was do it this at the house , they got into a argue , that he hit her , which nothing is true, my brother went and turn himself in yesterday , to prove that is not true , but he has a background he did this 10 years ago and he did time, this is why she did this, she told him , that if he ever leave her ,she will lock him up before he is with another girl , and this b,,,, did it, he has 6 charges , can he be guilty?. one of the charges is possession wiht intent of distribution, but he was not even in that state at the moment, this is a she said ,he said , can someone please tell me what can happen??? thanks




  1. I'd say that they would have to have more than just her word in this situation... now if she has documentation that what shes saying then anything I guess is possible?

  2. Possession with intent to distribute just means that there was more than a certain amount there and it is likely that it was to be sold. I think you are not necessarily in a position to see everything clearly because you believe your brother fully. If the girl knew where to "get" cocaine, most likely they were involved in some sort of dealing or using to have that knowledge. You will have to wait and see what happens. There is nothing you can do but wait.

  3. What can happen?  They can both go to jail for possession of cocaine with possible intent to distribute.

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