
Can he (legally) do anything to my car?

by  |  earlier

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My job has parking by permit or meters only. I'm a student, I can't really afford either. However, there is a park/rec center across the street where all the other student workers park. I've parked there, and as I was leaving work, some guy came up to me and said that he skates around here, and if the people from my job park there, then cars park on the side of the street, making it hard for him to skateboard. I told him I have no choice, and he threatened to call the police next time. Last week, I parked there again, and as I was backing out, I noticed him behind me, taking a picture of my license plate with his phone.

There are signs that say the parking is for park patrons only, and I have gotten a $20 ticket before, but it's no big deal compared to the $75 I'd have to pay for a monthly permit. So can he call the police and have my car towed if he doesn't have any proof I'm not actually in the park?




  1. Let him call the police, the joke is on him.  If the police find out he was taking pictures of your license plate, he can get in a lot of trouble for that.  And also, if he doesn't have a permit that says it's his area, then it's not his area. I honestly wouldn't worry about this prick.  But if he continues, maybe you should call the police on him for harrassment.


    he may just be trying to get his way to skate board or whatever in the parking lot .. he can be arrested for harrasment considering he has approached you once and has taken a pic of your license plate. next time hes near you or approaches you get in the car, lock it up and call the cops.. either one you will be warned not to park there and he will be let go or the cops will arrest him cause he is not the owner -

  3. Let him call the police.  Worst case scenario is that the police have the free time to give you a citation each time.  Which with a 5 day work week would be 20 citations a month, or about $400.  If they have the free time to respond to a parking violation made from someone who is not the owner of the lot.....

    There is no law against anyone taking pictures of vehicles.  Vehicles are in the public and therefore subject to being seen and recorded by others.

  4. He can call the police.  There's no law against that.  People do it all the time.

    Regarding the taking a picture of your license plate, that would be covered under your state's motor vehicle code.  You'd have to check that out.

    If you're parking in an area and there are signs posted prohibiting you (in other words, you have no business or right to be parking there), I strongly suspect you can (and if that guy calls the police), be issued a ticket.  If it restricts parking, then it's "posted" and, if you have no business or right to be parking there, then don't.  You'll save yourself a lot of hassle.

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