
Can he make me get off?

by  |  earlier

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ok i am 19, responsible and do what i am told. i just got my computer back from my sister at 10 and now my dad said that i need to be off by 10:30! it's my computer and my internet. he made me let my sister use it until 10, i have been at work all day and now he is saying i need to be off in less than 30 minutes of getting it.

how can he do that?




  1. Umm, first of all.. I wouldn't b havin' that at all! If it's ur computer 'n ur internet.. he can't do nething 'bout it. I'd take it 'n put it in ur bedroom 'n wouldn't let nebody use it. U may b under their roof, but ur not a child.. ur an adult 'n certainly not bein' treated like one. I'd b one p*ssed off b**ch!

  2. Honey, after 11 hours on your need to crash.  As one who is on a computer for work all day and gets hundreds of e-mails to answer, sometimes I don't even check my e-mail at home for a couple days.  

    I think you need to discuss with your Dad some fairness in the computer time. Since the girls are still in school and hopefully are doing home work.  

    What's fair?  Every other day?  Sit down with a plan.  Make a calendar and post it on the frig.  If it is reasonable he might go for it.

    Good luck!

  3. You're an adult now.

    If you don't like the rules in the house you're living in, then it's time to move.  

  4. get a job and move out then nobody can tell you how long you can chat on the pc.

  5. It sounds like your dad is being hard on you, because you are 19 and working a dead end job rather than being smart, and going to college to better yourself and continue your education. Your sisters are staying in school, and are given more slack

  6. First off, I'm sorry you're so mad but parents make rules for a reason and you won't understand that until you have children of your own. You should obey your father as he is the one who pays the bills that allow you to even use the internet (you may be helping pay a few bills but not as much as he is trust me hon). I know it seems unfair, but I think your father wanting you off at 10:30pm is reasonable, after all a lot of weirdo/creeps  come out from 11pm to the early a.m.

      I know you seem it unfair, and my advice is if you want your dad to extend online time show him you're responsible by getting off without a complaint.  Then set a time where you both can speak like the adults you both are  and discuss why you think you should have a later curfew. Before you discuss make sure you gather up enough information about what your going to say, how your gonna say it and everything. Another option is moving out, you are old enough, apparently responsible enough if you are helping accept it, work on compromising or move out either way best of luck to you darling.

  7. I would hope he would realise you are an adult and treat you as such, but sad fact, you live at home and live by their rules. Want to stay on the computer as long as you want whenever you want. Move out.

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