
Can he still have kids????

by  |  earlier

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ummm i know this is kinda personal but we really want to know

my husband when he was around 13 one of his "things" swelled up then a couple days later shrunk to a smaller size than his other. his *** is a little clearer than most guys but not all the way clear.

And we have been talking about trying for a child and wondering can he still have kids.

p.s I have been trying to get him to go to a doctor for sometime now but he is too embarrassed to go.




  1. he needs to go to the doctors

  2. I used to have a boyfreind who only had one "ball".He was like that when he was born.He had one child before I got with him and im pretty sure he has about 3 now. But I dont think your husband has anything to worry about.If my ex can have 3 kids and one ball im sure your husband can produce a child with what he has.

  3. Tell your husband that there is nothing to be ashamed in going to a Urologist to have his package checked.  Man can still have the capacity to produce sperm even if there is only one t******e.  What is important is that he have the right minimum amount of sperm to procreate normally.  If not, you should consider Invitro-fertilisation, or test tube baby.  Sperm and egg cell will be harvested and screened and then fertilised on a dish, and reintroduced to your Uterus.

  4. He'd have to have a sperm count done.  If it makes him feel better, he can produce the sample at home and just take it into the lab.  But what's to be embarrassed about by having a physical and asking to get a count done?

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